For immediate release

Gideon Technologies Wins Organization-wide Deal At HHS With SecureFusionTM, Agentless Compliance Solution

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Leveraging Success At CDC, Gideon To Automate Compliance With The Federal Desktop Core Configuration (FDCC) & Secure Content Automation Protocol (SCAP) Atlanta, GA — September 17, 2008 — Gideon Technologies, the leading agentless, SCAP- compliant, automated network scanning, measurement and reporting solution, announces winning a federal, department-wide contract to provide the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) with software for automated compliance with the Federal Desktop Core Configuration (FDCC) guidelines, established by NIST. In total, eleven HHS agencies will utilize SecureFusionTM.
“SecureFusionTM software from Gideon Technologies is the only agentless, SCAP-compliant solution that is sufficiently scalable to handle a desktop network environment the size of HHS,” said Kenneth M. Halley, president and Chief Executive Officer of Gideon Technologies.
“We are impressed with the ability of Gideon Technologies to meet the critical need for automated FDCC compliance monitoring at HHS,” said Kevin Lancaster, a managing partner at The Winvale Group. The Winvale Group facilitated Gideon's relationship with federal agencies by streamlining the GSA schedule submission, bidding and contracting.
The U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) mandates that all federal instances of Microsoft Windows XP and Vista comply with the FDCC standard, in order to assure compliance across government systems. In addition, departments and agencies must use a specific technique, the Secure Content Automation Protocol (SCAP), and approved and accredited SCAP vendors. The FDCC is proposed and approved by NIST, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). FDCC increases endpoint security while streamlining system configuration, application maintenance, and minimizing information security (infosec) vulnerabilities.
Larger agencies benefit from Gideon’s agentless implementation, automation, SCAP-compliance, and portals for reporting and data retention. SecureFusionTM manages the scanning process across every device, collecting accurate measurement data and aggregating the data centrally for reporting, audit, and remediation. The system rapidly discovers all assets, including previously unknown devices. Without installing any agent, SecureFusion scans the network configurations and continually measures enterprise-wide compliance.
Overview reports and all details of asset, configuration, and policy compliance are accessible from a single portal. SecureFusion was validated by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) for its SCAP and FDCC configuration and policy management capabilities, after rigorous laboratory testing. About Gideon Technologies Gideon Technologies develops network solutions that give a clear view into IT assets and risk. SecureFusionTM provides real-time visualization of every network-attached asset along with risk profile, enabling metrics and prioritization for remediation or mitigation. The tools provide private and public sector organizations with actionable data to compare against corporate and government standards or guidelines.
The venture's solutions have been validated by leading standards bodies, such as NIST, the National Institute of Standards & Technology, which establishes guidelines, such as the Federal Desktop Core Configuration (FDCC). SecureFusionTM has won certifications for FDCC and Secure Content Automation Protocol (SCAP), a method applying standards for automated vulnerability management, measurement, and policy compliance evaluation. These software solutions enable risk managers to visualize enterprise-wide IT risk for improved planning, operations, measurement, and control.
The modular flagship solution, SecureFusionTM suite, complements Gideon's proven methodology for visualizing, prioritizing and measuring remediation need and enterprise risk. The solution's foundation is continuous, automated, and accurate asset discovery.
Gideon says, “Know your assets - Know your risk.”
The SecureFusion suite is comprised of these modules: Asset Discovery, Vulnerability Management, Configuration Management, and Policy Management. These feed data into the SecureFusion Portal, a service-oriented architecture (SOA) interface to identify, manage, and measure information security (infosec) risks. Gideon Technologies also offers External Perimeter Monitoring Service for continuous security monitoring of an organization's Internet points-of-presence and Internet-accessible systems.
For more information, please find us on the Web at or by telephone at (770) 783-5270. Media contacts:
For Gideon Technologies: Jim Caruso, MediaFirst PR – Atlanta (770) 642-2080. x 218 or jim [at] MediaFirst [dot] net