Match Day at the Medical College of Georgia - Class of 2022
Medical students of the 2022 class from the Medical College of Georgia learned of their residency on Friday, 18 March 2022 in Augusta, GA at SRP Park.
One of our former interns with a personal connection was among the students interviewed before and after learning of their residency match.
Wikipedia says "Match Day is a term used widely in the graduate medical education community to represent the day when the National Resident Matching Program or NRMP releases results to applicants seeking residency and fellowship training positions in the United States. Match Day for the NRMP Main Residency Match is on the third Friday of March each year, and Match Day ceremonies occur at many of the 155 medical schools in the United States where those results are announced. Match Days for the NRMP Fellowship Matches occur throughout the year because each Fellowship Match has its own schedule of dates. Other national matching plans like the American Osteopathic Association (AOA), American Urological Association, and the San Francisco Match (Ophthalmology and Plastic Surgery) have dates on which they release their results. By participating in a national matching plan, applicants contractually agree to attend the residency, internship or fellowship programs to which they match. The same agreement applies to the programs; they are obligated to train the applicants who match to them. In 2017, Match Day hit a record-high as 35,969 U.S. and international medical school students and graduates vied for 31,757 residency positions.[1]
Note that Wikipedia data show that not every graduate matches to a program of their choice. This is part of the stress of the day, despite the simultaneous joy.
Here is the local TV coverage
A link to the article at WJBF TV is here: https://www.wjbf.com/csra-news/match-day-2022-mcg-students-learn-their-residency-program-locations/
The Augusta Chronicle ran this article about Match Day 2022: https://www.augustachronicle.com/story/news/2022/03/19/medical-college-georgia-mcg-match-day-students-residency-programs/7050656001/
The Medical College of Georgia has an article at: https://www.augusta.edu/mcg/students/matchday-2022.php
Here is a list of the specialties that graduates will study as residents next year: https://www.augusta.edu/mcg/mcg-alumni/match-results-2022.php